16 Nov The Net Zero Carbon Journey with Industrial Cogen Solutions EcoCare
Whether you are considering using on-site generation or CHP, either on a capital or funded route, one of your concerns may be any carbon footprint impact.
The last thing any of us want to do is add to this however Nett Zero Carbon CHP is within your reach if you use Industrial Cogen Solutions. All of our systems can be carbon offset for a tiny percentage of their financial savings, typically around 2%.
So you effectively retain 98% of the financial savings without incurring any extra carbon.
The route to net zero isn’t clear for most organisations. Carbon Offsetting is quickly becoming the most popular way of reducing carbon footprint and facilitating the transition.
Saving on your energy costs will enable you to not only reduce your overheads, but enable your organisation to use all or some of these savings towards your journey to a more sustainable Nett zero future. Let us help you make that transition and provide a route to get there.
Contact us at sales@icscogen.co.uk