As more and more sources of renewable energy generation come onto the National Grid the instability of the UK’s electricity supply network has increased. Clearly the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun isn’t known for shining a great deal on our shores (unfortunately!), this means that the supply and demand for our electricity is becoming more and more difficult to manage as the base generation assets that we have used; Coal, Gas and Nuclear power stations are being either closed down in the case of coal, or not coming on stream fast enough, or are even cancelled due to rising costs in the case of Nuclear.
As the strain on the grid increases looking out for your energy security and cost reduction has never made more sense. For every 1MW of electrical generation capacity installed a site will typically save £400K per year.
Combined heat and power is a great way of using natural gas in the most efficient way possible as a great deal of heat is always generated in the production of electricity and generally goes to waste via large cooling towers, on site generation allows this waste heat to be captured and used directly in a facility. Many Hospitals and large Universities have been using this technology for the past 30 years. And now UK manufacturing industry is widely adopting this to power their development.
Contact us today to see how we may be able to assist you with a greener and more efficient way of utilising your energy.